Friday, February 28, 2020

Our country should do more to help our homeless Essay

Our country should do more to help our homeless - Essay Example Dissolving Stereotypes Because of recent public awareness campaigns by governmental and private agencies such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Coalition for the Homeless respectively, long-standing common stereotypes of the homeless are steadily evaporating. Images of imaginatively clothed white-bearded, haggard, leather-faced men sitting against an alley wall holding a brown paper bag with a bottle of cheap booze inside have toady morphed into imagery that is closer to the truth such as a single mom with children living at a shelter or a family living in their car. The estimated 500,000 children that are homeless in America at any one time and their mothers are the fastest growing sector of the homeless population in the U.S. According to existing studies conducted of homeless shelters minor account for close to 40 percent of the homeless population. More than 40 percent of these children are preschool age. (Gray, 2011). It is a false impressi on that the majority homeless persons really prefer that type of terrible lifestyle and could possibly adjust to it. Studies confirm that close 100 percent of homeless persons certainly would never choose this lifestyle one more day if they had an alternative. Who would? Another universal myth regarding the homeless is that they made bad decisions therefore are responsible for their own destiny. In addition to the great numbers of homeless children who are blameless, many adults are victims of easy to understand circumstances too. Some military veterans suffer from both physical and mental disabilities resulting from warfare and cannot sustain an ‘ordinary’ existence. Other victims of homelessness were abused as children or were themselves raised in homeless environment. Still other people fall into the destructive cycle of drug and alcohol addiction which decimates their family and working life. Some have become ‘unemployable’ for a variety of reasons or c an find only unskilled and/or low-paying employment after having higher paying jobs and now cannot afford their house payments. Whatever the reason, the results are the same. â€Å"All homeless are victims in the sense that they do not have a place to call home.† (â€Å"Facts and Myths†, 2007). Men, Women and Children Twenty-five percent of women who are homeless find themselves in this dangerous and demeaning situation because they are escaping abusive behavior in their home. Unsurprisingly, men seldom report this reason for being homeless but a percentage, though statistically insignificant, cite an abusive home as the central reason they are homeless. Men’s most often reason given is unemployment and the second most for women. â€Å"Although there is a 13.4 percent difference between males and females, unemployment is also an important reason of homelessness for women.   More than one tenth of homeless women leave home because of employment† (â€Å" Women and Men†, 2001). Other than spousal abuse and to a lesser degree joblessness, the differences between the declared causes for homelessness are statistically identical for men and women. Approximately the same numbers of both genders say alcohol and drug abuse, protracted disabilities or illnesses and running out of federal aid caused their homelessness. Recent research and

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Re- write a Silent Movie- Blue Angel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Re- write a Silent Movie- Blue Angel - Essay Example The woman imitates Lola’s shape on the poster by posing in a similar way. The main character is Emil Jannings who is referred to as Professor Rath in the film but commonly abbreviated as Prof. Rath. The audience first encounters him through a shot at the door that bears his common abbreviation. Professor Rath is preparing the lesson for a class presentation. The pupils quickly run to class in a Helter skelter after the bell rings. The professor appears to concentrate on preparing for a lesson while the caretaker who is in charge of the house reminds him of his breakfast. She then goes about her daily chores of cleaning the house. After taking his breakfast, the Professor leaves and begins to call his pet. Surprisingly, the bird does not respond and this forces him to check on it only to find that it is dead. These events bring a situation that is a little confusing because while the death of the bird appears to sadden the Professor, the housekeeper picks the bird and discards it into an open boiler. When doing this, she only mentions that the bird stopped singing sometimes back. This means that she was aware that the bird was dead but was not interested in checking its condition. The Professor, however, ignores her and continues taking his breakfast. The film moves to the next level by introducing the Professor’s class. ... He picks the professor’s lecture guide and changes it to read ‘Professor Garbage’. This appears to be very simple because in German, the boy only needs to add the prefix ‘un’ to the Professor’s sir name. The boy proceeds to draw a funny picture of Professor Rath and only stops after the pencil breaks. These things happen in class because the Professor has not arrived. It is at this moment that he appears to be resuming classes. The pealing of a big clock that looks like a cuckoo follows this scene. The film treats the audience to an ironical situation where the clock together with a bird perched on it moves from end to end round the clock as it clicks. The events capturing the attention of the audience break immediately one of the pupils screams at others to be on the lookout and watch for the old man. This is in reference to the Professor. The pupils quickly take their respective seats as Professor Rath instructs them to sit down and have thei r notebooks ready for the lesson. When the Professor blows his nose after using his handkerchief after taking his seat, he discovers that pupils have defaced his notebook. After carrying out a thorough search of the culprit from amongst his pupils, he identifies Angst, the most naughty of all his pupils. The Professor does not take into consideration that Angst may not have committed the offense but instructs him to rub the added prefix. Coincidentally, Angst is an apt character in a play by Rolf Muller, an original script where the author of Blue Angel picked his theme. The Professor begins his lesson by discussing an excerpt from Hamlet, the third Act in the first scene. This line is a famous soliloquy by Shakespeare. The Professor